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2023 Senior League Summer Registration

All Senior League players (G1-G4) must register individually online before the season begins if they wish to play. Please see below for important league information.

You will need a CIHA online account to register. If you don't have one, please see the Registration Guide to create one.

Click to  REGISTER FOR G1 

Click to  REGISTER FOR G2 

Click to  REGISTER FOR G3 

Click to  REGISTER FOR G4 

Season Information

Expected Format
  • Expected number of games, days, and times (early October to early April):

    • G1: 16 games on Tuesdays with playing times from 8p

    • G2: 18 games on Sundays from 6.15p

    • G3: 20 games on Mondays from 7p

    • G4: 16 games on Thursdays from 8p

    • Game days/times are subject to change

  • 13 full season skaters per team, plus one goalie and up to 3 casuals.

  • Fees are displayed during online registration to help players budget for the season.

  • Early registration gives a discount off the total registration cost.

  • Full prepayment for the season also gives a discount off the total cost. Players can instead choose a periodic instalment payment plan, but will not receive the prepayment discount.

  • Players must be full CIHA and NZIHF members. Memberships will be automatically added during online registration, if needed.

Full Season Skaters and Goalies

Players may select their preferred team during registration if invited by a team manager. If not invited, a player may register as a Free Agent to be placed on a team. CIHA will attempt to place all Free Agents, but placement is not guaranteed and CIHA reserves the right to cancel and refund Free Agent registrations.

Goalies receive a discount on registration fees and are expected to play for their assigned team on a regular basis. Whereas players must play only for their assigned team, registered goalies may substitute for each other to cover absences.

Casual Skaters

A player must be invited by a team manager to register as a Casual Skater. Unless invited, a Casual registrant will be refunded and not placed on a team. Teams are limited to 3 Casuals.


Casuals must register in advance and pay a one-time fee for the season that enables them to act as a Casual for a team, but does not guarantee or pay for any games. A Full Season player who is unable to play in a game should inform the team manager. Casuals can only play a game when invited by the team manager, typically when a Full Season player will be absent. The manager will collect a game fee from the Casual, which should be equal to the cost of the game, for the benefit of the team and absent Full Time player. The team manager is expected to rotate Casuals to provide equal playing opportunities.


Key Dates (Subject to Change)
  • Early Registration ends and Regular Registration begins: September 15    

  • Team Preference Deadline: September 29

  • Player Registration Deadline for Initial Rostering: October 3

  • Seasons runs from 2nd week of October through late March / early April


Player Team Assignments
  • Team managers submit a team list to CIHA’s Senior League Director and inform their players they must register online by the Team Preference Deadline. Players not registered by the Team Preference Deadline will forfeit their preferred spot, which may be assigned to a Free Agent (of the appropriate skill grade) if the team is not full. 

  • CIHA will work with managers to assign Free Agents. Depending on the number, this may operate as a mini-draft. The goal is to help balance the teams as well as provide a continued positive team dynamic for established teams. CIHA has final discretion on all assignments.

  • Players who wish to join a league after the deadline for initial rostering may be assigned to a team that is not fully rostered at CIHA’s discretion.



Managers have responsibility for the smooth operation of their teams, including ensuring all team members register in advance before the Team Preference Deadline. Teams with too few players at the close of registration may be dissolved and players reassigned to other teams. Managers are also responsible for sorting team jerseys and arranging Casual player substitutions for Full Season players. Managers are not financially responsible for their team’s playing fees.


Managers must ensure only players assigned to their team play in their games (goalies of the same grade level are allowed to substitute, however). If a team plays a disallowed player, the team will forfeit the game and no statistics will be recorded for the team that game. CIHA reserves the right to make exceptions to this rule when deemed in the best interests of the game (such as filling a goalie position if needed), and in consultation with the team managers.


League Adjustments

The final number of teams per league depends on the number of registrations received, with the target of 14 players per team (13 skaters plus a goalie) plus casuals. Teams cannot choose to have fewer players. Teams may carry more Full Season players, but the price is not reduced. CIHA will work with team managers to understand roster preferences, and CIHA reserves the right to make final decisions on player assignments, including Free Agents. 


Depending on player registrations and others circumstances, adjustments may be required to the league and game format in any given grade. In such cases the CIHA will generally work with the Grade’s Senior League Subcommittee representative and the team managers to determine the best course of action for the league. CIHA has final authority on all league matters, which may change.




I’m new… / Which Grade should I register in… / Who can play in G1, G2, G3, G4?

Players should register in the appropriate grade level for their skill (email if you are unsure of your grade, or are new to CIHA and need to be graded). Players may register to “play up” a grade, but not down. Players “playing up” can register for a specific team only if invited by the team manager. Players are discouraged from registering to “play up” as Free Agents: while team placement is possible, it is not guaranteed and the registration may be cancelled and fees refunded. Players wishing to play as Free Agents should do so at their appropriate skill level.


I can’t commit to a full season. Can I play casually on a team?

Teams are allowed a limited number of Casuals, although registering as a Casual requires a registration fee which does not pay for or guarantee any games. A Casual can only play in a game if requested by the team manager, typically when a Full Season player on the team is unavailable. The team manager will notify the Casual and facilitate payment of the cost of the game from the Casual.


What if I want to play casually but have not been invited to be a Casual on a team?

CIHA will continue to offer drop-in style games like Masters, and also expects to offer occasional additional scrimmages, training sessions, and other opportunities for players.


How do I pay my registration fees? I used to pay my team manager.

Managers are no longer financially responsible for collecting fees from players and paying team fees. You must register online before the season begins and make initial payment in order to be placed on a team and play. If you have not paid your yearly CIHA and NZIHF memberships fees, these will be added to your online cart automatically during registration. 


Why do I have to pay CIHA and NZIHF membership fees?

CIHA is a non-profit organisation with considerable expenses related to organising and offering ice hockey in Canterbury and therefore requires charging a membership fee in order to function. Some of the expenses include accounting systems, auditors, website, equipment such as nets, score bench and clock, representation at NZIHF meetings, and more. NZIHF fees go toward similar expenses incurred in the organisation and management of ice hockey at the national level, and the NZIHF, in turn, also supports regional initiatives. This is not new: CIHA members have been required to pay CIHA and NZIHF membership fees for decades.

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